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SamWell Institute for Pain Management

Pain Management Specialist located in Colonia, NJ, Livingston, NJ & Englewood, NJ

Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints. Unfortunately, they can also be very painful and debilitating. If you experience headaches often, it is important to seek medical attention. Dr. Jay M. Shah at the SamWell Institute for Pain Management in Colonia, Livingston, and Englewood, New Jersey, is an expert at diagnosing and treating headaches and helping their patients get back to enjoying life. Call or go online today to schedule your first appointment.

Headache Q & A

What causes headache?

A headache is a general term for a wide range of conditions, and as such, there are a vast number of possible causes for a headache. However, in general, headaches are caused by pain signals being sent from the muscles and blood vessels in your brain to your brain. While it is unknown precisely what creates this reaction, it can be brought about by:

  • Underlying disease
  • Stress
  • Environmental factors
  • Genetics

Accurately diagnosing the cause of the headache is important to be able to create the correct treatment plan. Dr. Shah at the SamWell Institute for Pain Management is experienced in diagnosing and treating many types of painful headaches.

What types of headaches are there?

Just as many different factors can cause a headache, there are also many kinds of headaches. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. However, the following types of headaches are also quite common:

  • Migraine headache
  • Sinus headache
  • Cluster headache
  • Thunderclap headache
  • Rebound headache
  • Spinal headache
  • Occipital neuralgia

Speak with Dr. Shah to learn more about your headache pain.

What are common headache symptoms?

While it may not seem obvious, pain in your head is not the only possible symptom of a headache. This pain can take many forms, including a dull ache, a sharp, stabbing pain, or a feeling of pressure in your cheeks or forehead. You may also experience one or more of the following symptoms, depending on the kind of headache that you have:

  • Vertigo
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Nausea
  • Teary eyes
  • Memory problems
  • Trouble concentrating

Remember, there are many types of headaches and many different possible symptoms. It is important to get your problem correctly diagnosed by a doctor.

What is a migraine headache?

One of the most often discussed types of headaches is a migraine headache. If you have ever had a migraine headache, you know just how painful and debilitating it can be. A migraine headache often begins on one side of your head as a throbbing pain, and can also include sensitivity to light and sound, as well as nausea, blurred vision, and fatigue. They can last up to four days and may occur several times per month.

If you suffer from headaches, help is available. Call or go online today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shah and learn what treatments are available.