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Vein Ablation

SamWell Institute for Pain Management

Pain Management Specialist located in Colonia, NJ, Livingston, NJ & Englewood, NJ

Dark, bulging varicose veins affect about 40% of adults, often causing embarrassment and more concrete symptoms like itching or burning. At SamWell Institute for Pain Management in Colonia, Englewood and Livingston, New Jersey, Jay Shah, MD, and the team offer vein ablation as one of several treatment options for irritating varicose veins. To learn more about vein ablation and find out if it’s the right treatment option for you, call SamWell Institute for Pain Management or request an appointment online today.

Vein Ablation Q&A

How does vein ablation work?

Vein ablation, a treatment for varicose veins, is a nonsurgical treatment that uses radiofrequency or laser energy to close your engorged veins. During the procedure, your provider uses local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. They place a catheter into the varicose vein while using ultrasound imaging to guide it into place. An electrode through the catheter delivers energy directly to the vein on the inside.

The energy from the electrode damages the walls of your varicose vein. Soon after treatment, the vein constricts and closes. Eventually, it turns into scar tissue, and you can no longer see an enlarged vein on the surface of your skin. 

If your varicose veins have caused ulcers or wounds on your legs, your physician refers you to a wound care center for further treatment. 

What does vein ablation treat?

Vein ablation treats varicose veins, which are bulging, twisted veins that appear when one or more of the valves in your veins can no longer stop blood from falling back and pooling. Varicose veins can come with several irritating symptoms. Vein ablation can reduce these symptoms. Vein ablation can treat:

  • Pain
  • Throbbing
  • Leg swelling
  • Sores and ulcers
  • Skin discoloration
  • Leg heaviness

Having severe varicose veins and going without treatment can limit your mobility and the ability to do the things you enjoy. You might feel fatigued or get tired quickly when performing simple physical tasks. Vein ablation treatments can help you retain your energy and feel more comfortable throughout your day.

What types of vein ablation are available?

SamWell Institute for Pain Management offers several types of vein ablation to treat varicose veins. Your provider helps you review your options and choose the best type for your case. Your options include:

Laser ablation

Laser ablation uses pulses of heat from a laser to close your vein. 

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation uses high-frequency radio waves to heat and close your vein. SamWell Institute for Pain Management often recommends radiofrequency in conjunction with other vein treatments. 


VenaSeal isn’t like other types of vein ablation. Instead of using energy or heat, VenaSeal uses a medical-grade adhesive to make the walls of your varicose veins stick together. 

To learn more about vein ablation and use it to treat the varicose veins on your legs, call SamWell Institute for Pain Management or request an appointment online today.