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Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

SamWell Institute for Pain Management

Pain Management Specialist located in Colonia, NJ, Livingston, NJ & Englewood, NJ

Like many of the other joints in your body, your spine experiences degenerative changes as you get older. These changes may cause a narrowing of the spine, leading to a condition known as lumbar spinal stenosis, which is a common source of lower back pain. Pain management expert Dr. Jay M. Shah at SamWell Institute for Pain Management in Colonia, Livingston and Englewood, New Jersey, offers many innovative treatments for the management of lumbar spinal stenosis and can develop a plan to help you feel more like your usual self. For an appointment, call the office, or book online today.

Lumbar Spinal Stimulation Q&A

What is lumbar spinal stenosis?

Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition that refers to the narrowing of your lumbar spinal canal, which may compress the nerves causing pain. Though lumbar spinal stenosis can occur at any time, it most often develops because of the degenerative changes that occur to your spine as you get older. 


Each vertebrae is separated by a tough, spongy disc that provides cushion, as well as space between each of the bones. Over time, these discs dry out and lose height, causing the spinal canal to narrow.   

What are the symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis?

It’s estimated that 95% of adults have some degree of degenerative spinal changes by the time they reach 50. However, not everyone with lumbar spinal stenosis experiences symptoms. You may experience symptoms if the narrowing of your spine causes nerve irritation or inflammation.


Common symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis include:


  • Back pain
  • Numbness or tingling that travels through the buttocks down the legs (sciatica)
  • Muscle cramps in your calves that make it difficult to walk long distances
  • Leg weakness
  • Improvement in pain when you bend forward, sit, or lie down


If you’re experiencing lower back pain, Dr. Shah can determine the cause and provide the most appropriate and effective treatment.

How is lumbar spinal stenosis diagnosed?

Dr. Shah can determine if your lower back pain symptoms are a result of lumbar spinal stenosis after a comprehensive examination. During your exam, he reviews your symptoms and medical history and conducts a physical. 


To further evaluate your spine to assess for degenerative changes, he may request diagnostic imaging, such as an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. 

What are the treatments for lumbar spinal stenosis?

Dr. Shah creates an individualized treatment plan to help you manage your lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms. Your treatment may depend on the severity of your symptoms and the degree of narrowing. 


You may be able to alleviate your symptoms with conservative treatments such as anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy. Dr. Shah may also suggest epidural injections to reduce inflammation and pain. He may also recommend weight loss if you’re overweight or obese to reduce stress on your back and spine.


If conservative measures fail to get you the relief you need, Dr. Shah may suggest surgery. For lumbar spinal stenosis, he can perform MILD (minimally invasive lumbar decompression) by Vertos Medical Specialist. During this minimally invasive procedure, Dr. Shah removes a small portion of your lamina, which is part of your vertebrae, to create more room in your lumbar spine and relieve the pressure and pain. 


For expert management of your lower back pain, call SamWell Institute for Pain Management, or use the online booking button to schedule an appointment today. Learn more following the links below:

Vertiflex Superion Procedure for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Vertiflex Superior Spinal Procedure



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